He Plans For Me

Bgpst #38


Apryl is about a few years old at this point, but her father is already googling what universities to enroll her in. He knows she can barely alter an ABC, but he has great plans for her; sounds like someone I know.

Before my first fall, my first lie and the first time I get in trouble, my mother is already praying that I’ll encounter a love of a lifetime. And I do.

I have failed my first exam, physics with Mr Kabwilo, and again it is my father who cannot sleep. He is up, again, looking for remedial classes and checking curriculums and things I have no care about because I am binge watching Vampire Diaries and trying to get (or keep) Netwell’s attention.

Apryl’s parents are doing all they can to ensure she has a good future (/life).

Little Apryl has no idea the plans and sacrifices made regarding her life. And perhaps, in broad daylight, it seems as though nothing much is happening.

My father tells me I am to be educated. Because I am female, if I do not end up educated I may end up pregnant, purposeless or worse… He is working to ensure the worst never comes to pass.

And this is exactly the manner of our heavenly father – working to ensure the worst never comes to pass. Planning for us before birth, before we know right from wrong, before we know anything about atonement, or sacrifices or holiness. And orchestrating the coming of Jesus for when we do fail that test.

Pause right there real quick.

I want you to awaken to the possibility that nothing in your life is out of control, nothing.

Everything (by faith) has been planned for. And if it’s been planned for, it’s been provided for. A God specific enough to make the earth and everything in it, down to the measly little ant with all its six legs…

Have y’all ever thought about how tiny a heart an ant must have ??! Think about it, and about that God, the one who was careful enough to fit life into an ant. I bet you He’s careful enough to fit and layer your life with as much delicacy. All you have to do is receive it, accept it, surrender to it.

Word for all my adulting individuals, things will fall in place, just lean into God.

So the fact is that God in Heaven (Abba) planned for me, and He planned for you too. I was on His mind since the beginning of time. So much so that He sent the Holy Spirit to get me through this journey from life into eternity. Which means, I’ll always have everything I need because I have a father who plans for me.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Everything my human father is and is not; My heavenly father is and more. If my human father be kind, my heavenly father be kinder. If my human father be considerate, my heavenly father is even more considerate. Where my human father is unavailable, my Heavenly father is omnipresent. Where my human father is confined to the failings of his humanity. My heavenly father sits in perfection. Perfecting even me. Because He is the ultimate father

King Jhene / 2020

I’ll be graceful with you if you haven’t had the best father, or perhaps never knew him.

You see there’s a Father above, perfect and loving.

I’ll also be graceful to say that

  • God still changes hearts – He can bring light into your father’s heart and change that strenuous relationship.
  • God still fills empty spaces – He can fill (heal) the void left by your late father’s absence.
  • God still sends good people into our lives – He can surround you with remarkable men who will love you like their own.

Hear this gentle reminder today; it is okay to be adulting and unsure and all the colors of the seasons. God doesn’t despise our humanity – He plans around it- that’s why He sent the Holy Spirit.

If He’s specific enough to plan for your specific encounter with Christ, right down to the specific sermon, specific church, specific pastor, specific day, specific salvation, I’m tempted to believe that He’s specific enough to pour out grace and direction for your day to day life. And that thought gives me peace.

We have a Father, a good good Father.

mon cœur t'appartient


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